Caring Crafters Community.

We usually meet each week at the Albert Wisner Public Library in Warwick (See our calendar for the next meeting) to work on service projects for local organizations as well as group projects for our Close to Home ministry. All crafters are welcome.

This ministry creates useful things that can meet an immediate need and remind the people receiving them that we continue to lift them in prayer. Each Close to Home project is sent to the recipient with a congregational prayer. If you crochet, knit, sew or do another craft that can benefit others, but you can’t make our meetings, contact Jane Halasz to see how you can help. We have a few ‘remote crafters’ that still contribute so don’t let distance stand in your way. It’s such a thrill to know how much WVCN does together, even if it’s not face-to face. Visit the website for more up-to-date info.

Bears and other animals like these are created and placed in Operation Christmas Child boxes and Crisis Care Kits.

Bears and other animals like these are created and placed in Operation Christmas Child boxes and Crisis Care Kits.

American Heart Association’s pediatric heart health initiative.  We delivered a dozen hats to the maternity ward at St. Anthony’s Hospital in Warwick on January 30, 2020.

American Heart Association’s pediatric heart health initiative. We delivered a dozen hats to the maternity ward at St. Anthony’s Hospital in Warwick on January 30, 2020.

Items were made for the Maine Access Immigration Network’s request for warm items for refugees from Africa.

Items were made for the Maine Access Immigration Network’s request for warm items for refugees from Africa.

This was our first group project.  We made squares of colors and the border and inserts were themed on John 15:5.   It was given to a lovely lady in our church after the loss of her husband.  A gift of love knitted together for her.

This was our first group project. We made squares of colors and the border and inserts were themed on John 15:5. It was given to a lovely lady in our church after the loss of her husband. A gift of love knitted together for her.