While we all continue to make decisions about how socially distant we would like to be, WVCN has made taking part in our Sunday worship a little easier for you. You may join us in the church building, take part virtually via Zoom or you can watch our livestream via Facebook each week.

Facebook - Like our page to be regularly informed about out how you can take part in prayer and worship service via Zoom. They take place Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings and sometimes during the week for bible study. We’d love to have you “join us”. You can take an active part or just listen, either way, we want you to feel more connected and less isolated.

On Sundays there is usually a livestream sermon on our Facebook page. The video is also posted right after service for you to view at your convenience.

Our pastors and members of the congregation are keeping in touch through email, text and phone calls. We find phone calls are important during these times. Hearing a familiar and loving voice helps you feel closer to the person you are talking with. If you have an app on your phone that allows you to chat with video, even better!

Praise God for technology and how we can effectively use it to stay in touch with each other! Until we meet again in person, we will continue to actively be available to anyone in our community the best way we can.